Marriage God’s Way – A Book Review

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Marriage God’s Way – A Book Review

Marriage God’s Way. What a great title for a book! Quite apt too in a society that is rife with divorce and failed relationships. Marriage on a good day comes with its challenges and memorable moments but making it a success takes effort, commitment and a lot of sacrificial love.

Today, we are constantly fighting against instant gratification, selfish desires, busyness and more. Marriage can easily slip into a rut. Fortunately, God’s heart is for marriages across the world to be successful.

I was recently asked to do a review on a book called Marriage God’s Way complete with its matching workbook. I’ve read several marriage books in the past several years so was intrigued to see what this marriage book had to offer.

Disclaimer: This blog does not have any affiliate links. I was given a copy of both Marriage God’s Way and the workbook in exchange for an honest review.

So here’s my review:

About the author

Marriage God’s Way is written by Scott LaPierre, a senior pastor at Woodland Christian Church, husband, and father of six children. His heart is for marriages to follow God’s Biblical pattern and heart for marriages. Scott has also created a website dedicated to his book and regularly speaks at conferences regarding marriage. You can check his website here.

A closer look at Marriage God’s Way

Marriage God’s Way has clearly been thought out with in-depth Scripture at its heart. This adds a clearer understanding of God’s Biblical stance on marriage. By integrating Scripture and the original Greek words, Scott helps the reader understand more deeply what God intended for marriages to look like.

He covers within the book, the beginning of marriage with Adam and Eve, the purpose of marriage, the different roles for men and women within marriage, and practical ways to keep the marriage going. This is all done while remaining devoted to a relationship with Christ, as individuals and as couples.

Who is this book for?Marriage God's Way Book Review

This book is a great resource for those who are new Christians and those seeking to understand the Biblical perspective of marriage as well as God’s heart towards marriage. These readers may also want to understand the context of the Scriptures and have help digging deeper into God’s Word regarding marriage.

Marriage God’s Way is also fantastic to use as a curriculum for pre-marital counseling or as part of the resources used in marriage seminars especially for those who are newly married or engaged since it gives a clear indication of what God expects from marriage, the roles within marriage, and ways to build a good marriage foundation.

However, for those who have been married for a long time or who are able to open up the Scriptures for themselves, this book may not be what you are looking for. Although it is great to understand husband and wife roles, submission, respect, love, putting God first, etc, couples also need resources that can equip them with tools to implement healthy boundaries, conflict resolution, and effective communication (for example). These matters arise a lot more as the longer a couple is married and are essential to building a marriage based on unconditional love, acceptance, and authenticity.

Nor is it a book for those who are married to a spouse that doesn’t share their Christian values. Because this is my current position in my marriage, I felt it important to mention. The reason is due to the large range of needs and situations arising within such marriages which require unique skills. It’s a complex matter and a challenging one for many couples in this situation.

Although Scott does touch on 1 Peter 3:1-2 for wives whose husbands are unbelievers, the complexity of such a marriage requires more tools for wives like myself. For example, having healthy boundaries while still maintaining unconditional love, loving your spouse even though they may never change (yes, we trust God but we still don’t know the future), weathering those moments when your spouse begins to deliberately poke at your beliefs or even attack them, honoring your husband as the head of the home while pursuing God. What about raising your children in such a home to love God? These questions form a handful of the many everyday scenarios such marriages face.

Thus, I found Marriage God’s Way to be a book more for the general Christian marriage and one that because of my own marital walk have found to fit the overall church’s stereotype of how marriages should look.

However, this is my personal and honest opinion. (For more on my marital journey you can read here and here and here)

Will I recommend Marriage God’s Way?

Yes, I would. I am going to use my copy as a resource to teach my own children and other people who come into my life about marriage and what the Bible has to say. I think the focus of this book is key for a godly and healthy understanding of marriage.

So, go over to Scott’s website and order your book now. You won’t regret it. Enjoy the richness of Biblical insight and practical skills to begin building your marriage on a solid foundation. Order your copy Today!

By | 2017-10-07T21:32:34+01:00 June 26th, 2017|Practical Christian Living, Relationships|2 Comments


  1. Scott LaPierre 14th July 2017 at 20:41

    Thank you very much for the review of Marriage God’s Way!

    God bless,
    Scott LaPierre

    • Ailie 20th July 2017 at 11:09

      Absolute pleasure Scott

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