Practical Christian Living

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Write down your vision for the year

Then the Lord answered me and said, “Write the vision and engrave it plainly on [clay] tablets so that the one who reads it will run. “For the vision is yet for the appointed [future] time It hurries toward the goal [of fulfillment]; it will not fail. Even though it delays, wait [patiently] for it, Because [...]

By | 2018-01-20T13:06:04+00:00 January 9th, 2018|Practical Christian Living|Comments Off on Write down your vision for the year

What is the Power of Forgiveness

“Would you like to see the Lord shatter the spiritual prisons in your life, the areas where you feel trapped? Then forgive those who put you there, for surely the walls of your imprisonment are made of your own anger and unforgiveness toward others.” Francis Frangipane Francis Frangipane hits the nail right on the head. Forgiveness [...]

By | 2018-01-26T10:35:36+00:00 December 11th, 2017|Practical Christian Living|2 Comments

Speak Blessings not Curses – Our Words Create Worlds Part 3

Recently, I watched a sports game with my hubby for an overdue date night. We sat out in the open air surrounded by spectators and fans while the game played on this massive TV screen. A couple of sports players from different teams and eras had been asked to make a special appearance. Fascinated by their [...]

By | 2018-01-26T15:46:23+00:00 November 27th, 2017|Practical Christian Living, Spiritual Growth|Comments Off on Speak Blessings not Curses – Our Words Create Worlds Part 3

Test your heart – Our words create worlds Part 2

"Stop" I wanted to say to the two ladies I regularly come in contact with. Oh, how I longed to have the words and diplomacy to tell them that the more they gossip and complain, the worse their situation was getting. Yet, I was left with this conundrum. I could do three things: Turn a blind eye [...]

By | 2017-12-27T13:09:14+00:00 November 21st, 2017|Bible Study, Practical Christian Living, Spiritual Growth|Comments Off on Test your heart – Our words create worlds Part 2

Our Words Create Worlds Part 1

Our words create worlds. Selah (pause, think on, reflect). We live in an era where words are thrown around casually, loosely, and also intentionally. Whether in written or spoken our words carry power to inspire purpose and life or cause soul destruction. Yet, I'm not too convinced we understand the power of our words. One day [...]

By | 2017-12-27T12:32:41+00:00 November 14th, 2017|Bible Study, Practical Christian Living, Revelations and Encounters, Spiritual Growth|Comments Off on Our Words Create Worlds Part 1

Liebster Blog Awards

The Liebster Award started around 2011 as a way for bloggers to recognize and encourage new bloggers in the blogging community. It works similar to a chain mail. A nominee can accept the word and continue the chair; or, decline the nomination and stop it continuing. Honestly, I'm all for keeping this chain going. After all, who [...]

By | 2017-10-07T21:27:19+01:00 September 8th, 2017|Practical Christian Living|1 Comment

Faithful over “small” things today

Step upon step I climbed up the narrow spiraled staircase leading to the Oxford Tower. I didn't know what I would see.  All I knew was the history I had just learned from the tour guide about Oxford Palace and its tower. With each step, I didn't know how close I was to the top. I wondered how [...]

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