Living in the freedom of the cross

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Living in the freedom of the cross

Living in the freedom of the cross. This concept was about to become more of a reality in my life than ever before. I say concept because although I love the Gift of Salvation and all that Jesus did, I wasn’t (and still don’t fully) living in the freedom Jesus gave us on the cross. But, this was about to change:

The Encounter

I had had an emotional few weeks for one reason only forgetting the power of the cross and the truth that Jesus brings. I was carrying people and their responsibilities, looking at circumstances from a doubtful perspective and trying to maintain my own outrageous expectations all the while fearful of the amazing depths God was taking me too. I felt overwhelmed and in a state of panic.

A friend lovingly told me that all we need to do is take our stuff and nail it to the cross where Jesus dealt with it. Relief flooded my heart. Here was a way I could let go of my junk. I decided to artistically nail it all to the cross. I wrote on paper all the lies I was believing, all the circumstances I needed a breakthrough in and all the people I needed to forgive. I roughly painted wood effect on the cross with my (at the time) 4yr old son and included him in nailing his sad to the cross (in exchange for Jesus’ happy). We then cut up all the written junk and pasted it onto the cross.

Ethan went to bed and I carried on. Taking a palette knife, I painted the paper red symbolizing that all my circumstances, lies, and hurts are covered and healed by the blood of Jesus. The white symbolizes His light breaking through with truth. I then made marks with my palette knife that became symbolic for Jesus stripes by which we are healed. My heart found rest in Him and His truth that He had it all covered and He has overcome for me.

Here’s what the end product looked like:
living in the freedom of the cross>

For more of my art, you can visit my other Facebook Page: Living 5

What does living in the freedom of the cross really mean?

Growing up one of the books I regularly read was Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan.

0786092: Pilgrim Pilgrim’s Progress: One Man’s Search for Eternal Life -A Christian Allegory
By John Bunyan

I suppose many of us walk around with a big burden on our shoulders similar to what Christian carried. The truth is God doesn’t want us to walk around heavy burdened and weary. When Jesus died on the cross, he took upon himself not just our sins and sicknesses but also every lie, curse, torment, oppression, insecurity, fear, etc. He took it so that it could be dealt with once and for all.

Living in the freedom of the cross means to live in the finished work of what Jesus did on the cross – complete freedom and restoration to our original blueprint and design. We get to come face-to-face with the Almighty God. Not just that, we are also called his children and his friend. The voice of the devil was silenced and all authority was removed from him and given to Jesus:

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Matthew 28:18

This means that we no longer have to live tormented, depressed, anxious, sick, insecure, abandoned, and so on. That’s not our inheritance in God (for more on our inheritance. Read here).

Yet, in all of this, we (myself included) still want to present ourselves perfectly before God. We want to cover up our faults and flaws. Yet God is aware of our humanness and loves us just the same:

For He knows our [mortal] frame; He remembers that we are [merely] dust. Psalm 103:14 (AMP)

God’s redeeming love for us remains irrespective of our pious acts or generosity. His love is unconditional, a gift. The choice becomes ours. Will you and I choose to walk in the finished work of the cross or will we remain trapped by religion, fear, people pleasing, anxiety and more?

Choosing to partner with God requires time in God’s presence, renewing our minds, learning how to be empowered, healthy boundaries, and a whole lot more. For me, it has involved a few years of being mentored and coached while simultaneously allowing God to do a deep inner healing in my spirit and soul. Now, I can confidently say, it was worth it. Living in the freedom of the cross allows us to live powerful, effective lives. Lives that transform the world and bring God’s Kingdom onto earth.

Recommended music for you as you spend time with God:

Disclaimer: This post has affiliate links which means that I get a small commission (at no extra charge) when you purchase my recommended products. All products recommended are those I believe wholeheartedly will help you live in the freedom God has for you as well as deepen your relationship with Him.

CD45412: Starlight Starlight
By Bethel Music
CD78618: Brave New World Brave New World
By Amanda Cook
CD45369: After All These Years After All These Years
By Brian & Jenn Johnson


Need help living free? Book your FREE coaching session with me and let me start helping you to live in all God has for you.


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By | 2018-01-26T10:42:09+00:00 October 3rd, 2017|Revelations and Encounters|4 Comments


  1. Nicole 2nd April 2018 at 09:29

    Love this. And love how you and your son physically nailed your problems to the cross. So easy to forget we are coming from a place of victory to a place of victory. Amen

    • Ailie 3rd April 2018 at 09:46

      Thanks Nicole. I’m glad you liked it 🙂 Sometimes it helps to do something physically to help renew our minds and receive God’s healing. Plus any excuse to be creative ha ha ha

  2. Melanie Redd 2nd April 2018 at 20:31

    I’m so thankful for the freedom of the cross!
    What a great reminder of these freedoms.
    Thanks for these words of hope.

    • Ailie 3rd April 2018 at 09:44

      Thanks Melanie. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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