Trusting God when life hurts and I have to wait

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Trusting God when life hurts and I have to wait

What’s harder? Trusting God when life hurts or waiting?

I’m not good at waiting for God to answer my prayers, or to let me live in his plans and purposes, or to have some highly impactful life. I want it all now. Yet, God has me in a season of waiting. I might as well add – a looooooonnng season of waiting. Sometimes it’s easy; other times, I curl up in a ball distraught at this seemingly long tunnel.

Still, something beautiful and deep comes in the waiting. It becomes an opportunity to encounter God in the secret place. A chance to learn how trustworthy he really is. Trusting God at any point is hard for me. Trusting God when life hurts is even harder. Still, in the secret place, no one is watching except Him. No one can fully understand or help but him. So, I am forced into this place of trusting God when life hurts or with life in general. Anxiety threatens to tighten my stomach up in a ball of knots and a hundred thoughts enter my mind that only serve to increase that anxiety.

God, I’m waiting on you; but, can I really trust you to not disappoint me?

In this difficult place, I find that waiting becomes a time of rich encounters with God if I choose to engage with Him. By this, I don’t mean that we come to God only with a checklist of petitions or frustrations (which God does care about). No, I’m looking for something deeper and more satisfying.

Trust is an act of surrender

I recently heard a great nugget of insight at a conference where Bill Johnson was one of the speakers. He said this:

If God is your servant, He will constantly frustrate you. If you are his servant, you’ll never want more.

I love that. It talks about our heart before God. Is God the one who does our bidding? or Do we submit and surrender everything to Him? This is hard for me. Sometimes I do want to treat God as my servant. I don’t, but I want to. That’s what makes waiting so hard. He is God, not my servant. I am his servant. Plus, there’s the added dimension of trusting myself over others because of past disappointment and hurt. Let’s be honest, often if you want something done you do it yourself, right?

But trusting God when life hurts and at any other time in our lives means that we surrender to God our hearts desires and treasures. This act of surrender becomes an act of trust. We let go. In the letting go, God gives it all back to us better than we ever thought,  albeit different to our expectations. (I’m still waiting for this part too 🙂 )

What does your posture look like?trusting God when life hurts

Whatever we are trusting God for and waiting for, our posture at this time will either bring great growth or disheartenment. God longs to encounter us in every situation we face. He wants to show us His goodness, kindness, and faithfulness. He wants to take us deep into his heart to explore the vast depths of his nature.

So, we find ourselves faced with a choice:

  • Do we focus on our circumstances allowing them to become bigger than God and define us, our lives and our destiny?


  • Do we ask God to lift up our gaze to fill our eyes with His love, hope, goodness, etc… Allowing God to be greater than our circumstances, to define us, and to empower us with his anointing and power.

Trusting God when life hurts turns us into eagles

Eagles? Yes, eagles, metaphorically speaking. Recently, I’ve been listening to some teachings and conversations where eagles keep coming up. No surprise there because God loves to show us his heart, and we need only listen.

Eagles soar on the thermals of the atmosphere. They circle up and glide down. Eventually, an eagle will reach a certain point, where it will lock its wings in complete trust that the thermals will hold it up. To me, this speaks of trust and surrender.

Secondly, eagles have a keen ability to look down from trees or heights and spot their prey. In the Christian world, this eyesight of an eagle is greatly admired (I’ve often heard people ask God for spiritual eyes akin to that of eagles). However, an eagle is designed to go back up into the heights.

Trusting God means this:

Gliding on the winds of the Holy Spirit as he comforts, teaches and leads us. Although we often see the circumstances we are in and the enemy that comes against us, we take refuge in the Holy Spirit. We fix our eyes on God. We fly up to see from God’s perspective which gives us more clarity, wisdom, and understanding.

We wait patiently. When life pulls our gaze down, we look in acknowledgment before lifting our gaze back up to look into the face of the loving Father.

But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NKJV


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By | 2017-10-03T22:46:41+01:00 February 13th, 2017|Faith, Spiritual Growth|18 Comments


  1. Diane @worthbeyondrubies 13th February 2017 at 22:24

    Ooh girl you got me with this one…waiting is NOT my anointing lol. What a great post!! I needed this!!

    • ailie 13th February 2017 at 23:57

      Thanks Diane. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Its great that we aren’t alone in our struggle with waiting on God.

  2. Natalie 14th February 2017 at 00:51

    What a timely post! I am walking through a difficult season, but the only way I can wade through it is by trusting in the Lord. I know that He will walk by my side and never leave me. Although trusting is hard…very hard…I am thankful for what He teaches me in the waiting.

    • ailie 14th February 2017 at 08:57

      Natalie, I’m so glad that you found this post encouraging. I love that God is always by our side even when life is really tough. It builds us a reliable history with him and his faithfulness. Praying for you in this time.

  3. Danielle 14th February 2017 at 04:33

    Trusting God, and waiting can be so hard. I’m also a major planner… and has the saying goes “Man plans, God laughs”.

    • ailie 14th February 2017 at 08:59

      I love that saying Danielle. I’ve never heard it before. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Kathy 14th February 2017 at 05:49

    This is beautiful! I have been a long period of waiting in fallow ground. I have learned to surrender and have found intimacy, with God. You describe it all so well. Love the eagle analogy!

    • ailie 14th February 2017 at 09:03

      Thanks Kathy. I’m glad that you enjoyed it. Praying that your fallow ground breaks open with life. Declaring over your situation breakthrough.

  5. Edith 14th February 2017 at 08:02

    Wow! This is so beautiful and profound. I know quite a bit about waiting from my own experience, so I can relate with this post. I also like the eagle analogy. I’m adding those points to my Kitty of lessons about the eagle. Coincidentally, my native name, Ugo, means eagle. The full name is God’s Eagle (Ugochi).
    Thank you for sharing. Tweeting this.

    • ailie 14th February 2017 at 09:14

      Thanks Ma Edith. I appreciate your words of encouragement. I love that your name means God’s Eagle that is an incredible name.

  6. Francesca Price 14th February 2017 at 09:20

    Thank you for the way you describe us ‘gliding on the winds of the Holy Spirit’, Isaiah 40:31 has been very significant for me recently and planted on my heart by God. Beautifully written piece. Blessings ❤️

  7. Michelle 14th February 2017 at 17:31

    Very nice, I especially enjoyed your quote from Bill Johnson – such a good reminder of our role as servant. I also really liked the part of the eagles locking their wings in complete trust, I will enjoy that thought the next time I see an eagle coasting along.

    • ailie 15th February 2017 at 09:28

      Thanks Michelle. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I love how God uses nature to encourage us and teach us.

  8. Sheila Qualls 14th February 2017 at 21:11

    Great timing of this post. I think Valentines Day can produce sadness and memories. Great reminder of where we should place our trust. I’m not proclaiming perfection in this department. I struggle just as much as the next person. I love the encouragement.

    • ailie 15th February 2017 at 09:29

      Thanks Sheila for your kind words. I honestly didn’t think about Valentine’s Day. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I guess we all struggle differently with trust.

  9. Nadia 17th February 2017 at 12:06

    This is exactly what I needed to read today. It hasn’t been easy to wait on the Lord and, to be honest, this post resonated with my situation so much. I don’t want to treat God or speak to God as if He is my servant because He is my God, and I am His servant. What a simple concept yet it just puts all the puzzle pieces into the right spaces 🙂 Isaiah 40:31 is such an important verse. As I am typing these words, I am looking at this gorgeous wooden plaque with this verse carved into it (we bought it in one of the furniture shops in Lancaster). Amazing how God works and His Word is there at the right time in the right place. Many thanks for sharing this!
    xox Nadia

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